[Ubuntu] ubuntugis-unstable: gdal_merge.py missing? [PYTHON]PATH to be set?

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Oct 28 03:42:19 PDT 2021

 From the migration guide:

     - "gdal/swig/python/scripts" moved to: 

See: https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.3.2/gdal/MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT

gdal_merge.py is one of those scripts:

  $ find . -name "*gdal_merge*"

These are manually installed in d/rules, see:


This was changed for 3.3, see:


But that's incorrect, it should be: swig/python/gdal-utils/scripts/*.py

The fix was just pushed and will be included in the next 3.3.3 upload 
for Debian.


This will need to be cherry-picked for the UbuntuGIS packages if they 
won't switch to 3.3.3 soon.

Kind Regards,


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