Last time, I compiled gdal with fgdb and built a ready-to-install .deb file specifying that the folder "FileGDB" was in /usr/local/<br>And then compiled and built a ready-to-install .deb file for Qgis1.9 with gdal1.9 with fgdb.<br>
<br>It was then possible to install it on another machine after having downloaded from esri and extracted the in /usr/local/<br>The problem is that it was possible only for a similar distribution : Oneiric 64bits.<br>
But maybe for both API version 1.1 and 1.2... on 64bits.<br><i>I don't know how it works to build it for different distributions within a ppa... And how it must be tested... etc...<br>Do you built it on different virtual machines 32b & 64b to be able to release it or are there virtual machine through launchpad ?</i><br>
<br>This would surely require a specific ppa for people who want the filegdb api.<br>This would be a solution like you propose for "libgdal-ecw-src" I guess.<br>This would however require people to manually select the packages from synaptic.<br>
I wrote kind of an installation guide for this (see below).<br><br>Concerning me, I think I will effectively built it on a virtual machine. I didn't think about this before... well...<br>This will be easier when (if?) gdal will directly include it.<br>
<br><br><br>## Installation guide with possible errors encoutered...<br><< Info: <a href=""></a> to compile gdal >><br><< Info: <a href=""></a> to compile qgis >><br>
<br>Download FileGDB_API on <br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>Extract "FileGDB_API_1_1-64.tar.gz" and copy the file in "/usr/local/" directory (you may need the sudo rights)<br>Verify that "libxerces" is installed <br>(In a terminal:)<br>$sudo apt-get install libxerces-c3.1<br>
<br><< Warning: deb files built for a Oneiric_64bits_with_API-1.1>><br>Install gdal1.9.0-1_amd64.deb<br>Install qgis1.9-gdal1.9-GDBAPI_amd64.deb<br><br><br>--> Test in a Terminal (to verify the presence of "FileGDB")<br>
$ogrinfo --formats<br><br>IF pb= <br> $ gdalinfo --formats<br> gdalinfo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot<br> open shared object file: No such file or directory<br><br> --> Is the lib acessible outside of gdal?<br>
$ /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep gdal<br><br> -->no gdal1.9: Let's try adding the path to in /etc/<br><br> $ find /usr -name<br> /usr/local/lib/<br><br> $ sudo gedit /etc/<br>
--> add<br> /usr/local/lib<br><br> $ sudo ldconfig<br><br> $ /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep gdal<br> --> gdal1.9 is there<br><br><br>IF pb=<br> $ gdalinfo --formats<br> gdalinfo: error while loading shared libraries: <a href=""></a>: cannot<br>
open shared object file: No such file or directory<br><br> --> the library libxerces is not installed<br> $sudo apt-get install libxerces-c3.1<br><br>IF pb=<br> $ gdalinfo --formats<br> gdalinfo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot<br>
open shared object file: No such file or directory<br><br> --> Verify that "FileGDB_API" is in "/usr/local/" directory<br><br> $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/FileGDB_API/lib<br> $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH<br>