[OSGeo-UK] ESA Summer of Code In Space

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 06:58:19 EDT 2011

Hi Uk-OSGeo people,

 The European Space Agency has announced a 'Summer of Code In Space' project:


 Now I know the 'geo' in OSGeo has its roots in the greek for 'Earth',
but I'm sure there may be crossover projects of interest to space
people. Is there an equivalent to Proj4 for Martian coordinate
systems? Does anyone run a VIS (Venusiagraphic Information System)? Or
a QGIS plugin to download Mars MOLA images?

 Qgis has been used for Martian work - a friend of mine had a DEM of
Mars and I helped him with the profile tool plugin to get terrain
shapes. His thesis is on swarms of giant Martian dikes. Really.

 So if anyone has any ideas, I guess maybe OSgeo (global) would be the
organisation to handle applications...


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