<div dir="auto"><p dir="ltr">We're pleased to announce that the FOSS4G UK <a href="tel:2019">2019</a> call for talks and workshops is now open. <a href="http://uk.osgeo.org/foss4guk2019/talks_workshops.html">http://uk.osgeo.org/foss4guk2019/talks_workshops.html</a><br></p>
<p dir="ltr">This year FOSS4G UK will be at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh from the 18th to 21st September, with the main conference on the 19th and 20th. This is a friendly, relaxed conference where we discuss all things free, open source and geo-related.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Talks<br>
If you have something interesting you'd like to share with the community about your use of free and open source software in the world of Geospatial, then we'd love to hear from you, we welcome submissions from any subject areas, and have slots available for 20 minute talks (talk proposals should be 500 words max).<br>
Submit your talk here: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/foss4g-talk-proposal">http://tinyurl.com/foss4g-talk-proposal</a></p>
<p dir="ltr">Workshops<br>
If you would like to lead a workshop, we will be running two parallel workshop sessions during the main conference. Proposals can be from shorter hands-on demo sessions to whole-day in-depth tutorials. We will select proposals to create a varied programme.<br>
Submit your workshop here: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/foss4g-workshop-proposal">http://tinyurl.com/foss4g-workshop-proposal</a></p>
<p dir="ltr">Unconference<br>
There will also be an opportunity during the conference itself to contribute to an 'unconference' session - this is likely to be an informal session of lightning-style talks (more details closer to the event).</p>
<p dir="ltr">Closing<br>
The closing date for submissions for both talks and workshops is the 30th April. We look forward to hearing from you!</p>
<p dir="ltr">FOSS4G UK <a href="tel:2019">2019</a> organising committee </p></div>