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<div>Hello list<br><br>We have just had a very productive and enjoyable AGM and one of the resultant actions was around a possible FOSS4G:UK meeting next year. Current thinking is that this would be an in-person event, similar to those in Edinburgh, London, Southampton etc that you might remember from before the Covid years.<br><br>The OSGeo:UK committee are keen to support such an event in 2025 and we would like your suggestions for <br>1) a location (and possibly a venue), <br>2) your favoured time of year for such an event, <br>3) whether this should be a one or two day event, and (most importantly) <br>4) are you interested in volunteering to be part of an organising committee?<br><br>Remember - your answers to Q1-3 are important but the event can only really happen if your answer to Q4 is 'yes' :-) <br>Please post your thoughts to the list, or <a href="mailto:osgeouk@gmail.com">osgeouk@gmail.com</a><br><br>Cheers<br>Al<br><br></div>