[Viscom-dev] [Fwd: Invitation to Propose a Workshop or Tutorial for GSDI 10]

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at fao.org
Fri May 25 04:43:24 EDT 2007

Hi all,
We had a good experience in Santiago with our workshop. It was more  
of an extended demonstration due to the lack of computer facilities  
and due to the fact that almost nobody took a laptop or so with them  
into the workshop.

We went through a session that installed and showed GeoServer,  
GeoNetwork and gvSIG. Than we set up a map service, created a related  
catalog entry and had gvSIG and GeoNetwork use the WMS service from  
GeoServer. gvSIG searched the GeoNetwork node and found the GeoServer  
map service and opened it. I don't remember if we had gvSIG also use  
the WFS service from GeoServer.

All in all it was a good and challenging experience with a large  
audience attending. It also provided us with one of those necessary  
milestones in establishing and/or testing interoperability between  
applications :-)

We (GeoNetwork and gvSIG) just discussed a workshop at the gvSIG  
conference in November, including GeoServer. We also discussed taking  
that to GSDI-10. So I think there's all the scope from our side to  
proceed with a proposal. Even if nobody is in the position at this  
point in time to say they will see those blue oceans with there feet  
in the water :-) What a bad outlook that is...

With the availability of modern computer labs, as described on the  
GSDI-10 site, we now have to define the type and the number of  
workshops :-)
What projects are thinking of giving a workshop at GSDI-10? Who would  
like to do cross-project workshops?


On 24 May 2007, at 10:34 PM, Chris Holmes wrote:

> I went two years ago, where I met Jeroen for the first time, and  
> Allan was there as well.  In general the conference has a few  
> concurrent sessions, where people present papers.  It's more  
> academic/government - people actually write papers for one.  The  
> first year we gave a paper on open source for SDI's which was  
> decently received.
> Last year we did the workshop, Jeroen and I applied, and then I  
> think we joined up with Michael Gould and gvSig?  The workshop's a  
> pretty sweet deal I believe (I wasn't there), it happens before the  
> conference, and it's a great opportunity to educate people who  
> don't know much about your stuff, and give some hands on demos.   
> The workshops are primarily for the sponsors who provide funds for  
> the conference, so it's pretty nice that Harlan manages to get us  
> an open source slot.
> The angle to present is pretty basics, just showing off the  
> capabilities of open source, get people to see that it's a reality  
> and competitive with anyone else.  The audience isn't super  
> advanced - I believe it tends to be a bit more government decision  
> makers, a bit less the actual tech people.
> Jeroen, you have any other insight?  Since you were actually there  
> for the last one.
> Chris
> Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
>> It does sound promising - can anyone provide some experience from  
>> previous events?  What happens, how does it work, what angle can  
>> we best present?
>> Tyler
>> On 24-May-07, at 11:40 AM, Arnulf Christl wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 23, 2007 11:48, Chris Holmes wrote:
>>>> Anyone planning on going to GSDI-10?  I'm pretty confident we  
>>>> could get
>>>> a workshop there.  I didn't go last year, but had a group of  
>>>> people who
>>>> were going to go, so we organized it together.  There's a lot of
>>>> government decision makers who go to this, it may not be a bad  
>>>> place to
>>>> have some osgeo presence.  It's just way too far away for me to  
>>>> know if
>>>> I'll personally be attending.
>>> Hey,
>>> same for me. But nonetheless we should apply for a workshop. I am  
>>> very
>>> sure that someone knowledgeable from around OSGeo will be there.  
>>> And if
>>> not I have the perfect excuse that I must go myself... ;-)
>>> So my VisCom opinion is to apply and see later how to fill in the  
>>> blanks.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Arnulf.
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject:     Invitation to Propose a Workshop or Tutorial for  
>>>> GSDI 10
>>>> Date:     Wed, 23 May 2007 17:35:02 -0400
>>>> From:     Harlan Onsrud <onsrud at spatial.maine.edu>
>>>> To:     cholmes at openplans.org
>>>> Dear Chris,
>>>> GSDI 10 will be held in Trinidad 25-29 February 2008. See
>>>> http://gsdi.org/gsdi10
>>>> We are once again inviting proposals for the presentation of  
>>>> workshops
>>>> on the first day of the conference. See
>>>> http://gsdi.org/gsdi10/workshops.html
>>>> Workshops this time will be offered under a slightly different
>>>> arrangement that we hope will attract strong attendance. We are
>>>> requesting workshop proposals by the end of this month so that  
>>>> people
>>>> registering for the conference will be able to sign up for specific
>>>> workshops in advance. In this manner instructors will know the  
>>>> number of
>>>> people attending their workshops and have the contact  
>>>> information for
>>>> their participants in advance.
>>>> We highly encourage you to submit a workshop proposal. For  
>>>> reference,
>>>> the description of the workshop you presented in Santiago in  
>>>> 2006 may be
>>>> found at http://www.gsdi.org/gsdiconf/gsdi9/english/ 
>>>> 09_Act_Work_Sched.htm.
>>>> Submit your proposal on or before 1 June 2007 to onsrud at gsdi.org  
>>>> with a
>>>> copy to astevens at gsdi.org. If you submit, you should have a  
>>>> decision by
>>>> the evaluation committee in early June.
>>>> We look forward to hearing from you.
>>>> *The GSDI 10 Local and Regional Organizing Committee*
>>>> _Co-Chairs:_
>>>> *Jacob Opadeyi*, Centre for GeoSpatial Studies, The University  
>>>> of the
>>>> West Indies, Trinidad
>>>> *Bheshem Ramlal*, Department of Surveying and Land Information, The
>>>> University of the West Indies, Trinidad
>>>> _Committee Members:*
>>>> *_*Carol Ann Albury*, National GIS Coordinator, Office of the Prime
>>>> Minister, Bahamas
>>>> *Cecille Blake*, National GIS Coordinator, Ministry of  
>>>> Agriculture and
>>>> Lands, Jamaica
>>>> *Santiago Borrero*, Secretary General, Pan American Institute of
>>>> Geography and History
>>>> *Tatiana Delgado Fernandez*, National Commission of the SDI of the
>>>> Republic of Cuba
>>>> *Desmond Dougall*, GISCAD, Trinidad
>>>> *Tyrone Leong*, Director of Surveys, Surveying and Mapping  
>>>> Division,
>>>> Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources, Trinidad
>>>> *Adolphus Ollivierre*, Lands and Surveys Department, St. Vincent  
>>>> and the
>>>> Grenadines
>>>> *Harold Wall*, GIS Officer, Ministry of Planning and  
>>>> Development, Trinidad
>>>> -- 
>>>> Chris Holmes
>>>> The Open Planning Project
>>>> http://topp.openplans.org
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Viscom-dev mailing list
>>>> Viscom-dev at lists.osgeo.org
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>>> -- 
>>> Arnulf Christl
>>> http://www.wheregroup.com
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>>> Viscom-dev mailing list
>>> Viscom-dev at lists.osgeo.org
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>> Tyler Mitchell
>> Executive Director
>> Open Source Geospatial Foundation
>> tmitchell at osgeo.org
>> P: +1-250-277-1621
>> M: +1-250-303-1831
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> -- 
> Chris Holmes
> The Open Planning Project
> http://topp.openplans.org
> <cholmes.vcf>

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