[Viscom-dev] Project Flyer

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Wed May 30 12:44:56 EDT 2007

On 30-May-07, at 8:06 AM, Arnulf Christl wrote:

> Hi Tyler,
> Stephan and Hendrik have sent you updated project flyers including  
> the new projects QGIS, OpenLayers, FDO and GeoNetwork.

I just had a look at them - good work guys.  It would be good if they  
can describe what changes they made.

> Skribus seems to have been somewhat reluctant to cooperate - at  
> least I gather that from the complaints that I heard from the next  
> room while they were at it... Are we going to stick with Skribus  
> for this job?

My heart is not set on Scribus, but I used it so we could use a  
package specifically designed for desktop publishing.  What other  
options are there?  It has been slowly improving, I suggest building  
from source if possible :)

The one thing I was trying to aim for was to be able to just save a  
text file and then import it into Scribus and be done with it.  But  
that wasn't working perfectly.  Perhaps a latex approach would work,  
just maintain a template and import project-specific text files...   
if that was possible it'd be coolest.  Or at least a website where  
you put some text into a couple text boxes and then the website  
creates the PDF for you from a template.  Doesn't Mapbender has a  
similar function ;)

> Next question is how to get the Projects update and maintain their  
> Info sheets themselves. We went through all of them once now to  
> have a stable baseline but from now on maintenance needs to be done  
> by the projects themselves. Maybe we can do the same thing as I  
> suggested for the portal pages. Make a Wiki page and use that plus  
> some nice layout in Skribus to produce the Flyers.

This is tougher.  I originally harassed all the initial projects to  
send me the text, some bullets and some graphics.  It seemed like a  
lot of work for them :)  Some projects only pointed me to their  
website, instead of refactoring text for me.  It made it a lot more  
work for me.   Isn't there an incubation requirement to help with  
promotion stuff?

> Maybe you could put the PDFs on the web and remove the tag saying  
> that they are still being worked over? http://www.osgeo.org/visibility

I have uploaded them to the server, just have to replace some links  
to make them live.
Thanks again,


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