[Webcom] Website Redesign

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Sat Dec 13 02:42:32 EST 2008

On 12.12.2008 17:07, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> a) Drupal is our portal software and it is unlikely to be changed for the
> convenience of the consultant.  We have limited expertise to do exotic
> things
> with it so it is best try and limit proposals to what can be accomplished
> with it in a practical fashion.  It would presumably be prudent to have
> Tyler
> and Wolf involved in setting practical parameters.

The Drupal templating system is very flexible and should bend in almost
any direction. As long as the new design is made with xhtml and css
Drupal should be able to accommodate.



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

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