[Webcom] New OSGeo Wiki Startpage proposal

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Mon Jun 23 08:08:44 EDT 2008

Wolf Bergenheim wrote:
> FWIW I think that Markus' page is very nice and far superior to the 
> francophone start page.
> +1 for applying it
> +1 for enabling <div> in wiki if it means we get a nice start page.

I amend my -1 to a -0. As this was not a motion it is not relevant anyway. I did not want ot block having a nicer main page, it has been bugging me for too long. I'd love to have $wg_rawHtml enabled in the Wiki becasue it allows all kinds of cool mashups but I felt like having to let us know of the potential consequences. 

I am ignorant of an option to only allow div tag but disallow frames. 

Any SAC member with write permission to DefaultSetting.php can change the settings. 

Best regards, 

> --Wolf
> On 23.06.2008 10:39, Markus Neteler wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:07 PM, Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org> 
>> wrote:
>> ...
>>> I would prefer to get the div thing through since it is ready.
>>> Otherwise I fear that just nothing will happen to the initial page...
>> To be honest: I find it rather frustrating that I spend quite some 
>> time on
>> cleaning up the stuff and then I get blocked with some irrelevant Wiki
>> setting/-1 from a member here. Saying -1 is easy but then?
>> OSGeo is Do-ocracy for me. GTD.
>> I have polished the layout again: PLEASE TAKE A LOOK:
>> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/New_OSGeo_Wiki_Startpage
>>  (don't care about the absent links as it's on a different wiki).
>> Can someone please enable <div> for the Wiki? I wasted also some
>> time to implement the francophone solution, it didn't work. Also, it's 
>> not
>> that nice (sorry, guys). I am continuously monitoring recent changes,
>> the possibility that spam creeps in is pretty low. Like me, Mateusz,
>> and many others are watching changes in the Wiki. Tyler/Frank know
>> my Wiki activities statistics (top 4 or so in the entire OSGeo Wiki
>> space with 5000-6000 changes).
>> Quite energy consuming to fight this through... :( Don't feel that it's
>> a stupid idea to make the entry page more appealing.
>> Markus
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