[webmap-discuss] Roll Call

Patricia Mergen p_mergen at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 6 05:25:32 EDT 2006

  My name is Patricia Mergen. I am working for the Royal Museum for  Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. Several of my collaborators and  myself are involved in EU projects in the field of Biodiversity  Informatics. These projects are strongly Open Source oriented and  haveGIS components, mainly for Species distribution and sharing of this  information for conservation issues among stakeholders. 
  To keep best informed on ongoing activities and to avoid reinventing  the wheel, I am following disscussion on the dedicated mailing lists I  am aware of and I am always willing to contribute if relevant to the  discussions. 

Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:  Hello,
Wecome to the webmap-discuss list.  Let's kick off with a role call. 
Introduce yourself and what project(s) you represent.

For me: Cameron Shorter, from http://communitymapbuilder.org .

My hope is that this list can be used for representatives from
webmapping projects to share design and code and help each other
address common problems.

I hope that before we start new modules we consult with each other and
avoid re-inventing the wheel.  Together, we should be able to identify
and factor out common libraries.

Cameron Shorter

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