[webmap-discuss] OGC and google style tiling

Steven M. Ottens steven.ottens at geodan.nl
Wed Apr 12 04:33:00 EDT 2006

Hi Bart,

Thanks for the mailinglist tip.
It might be possible to rasterize our vector data, but we've got quite
some datasets and there will be more of them. It also makes us less
flexible. Obviously we've to make a trade-off on flexibility and speed.
We hope that with cached tiles we can have both the flexibility and
speed. If we rasterise it would make sense to rasterise into fixed tiles
I guess.


Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> there is an OGC list to discuss tiling:
> http://lists.eogeo.org/mailman/listinfo/tiling
> check the archives there.
> What you could also do, since I assume your data is pretty much static, is
> use UMN Mapserver to rasterize all your vector data (create Geotiffs e.g.)
> and serve out the rasters instead. I guess the classifications used are
> heavy on CPU usage, and pre-classified rasters would solve that part at
> least.
> Best regards,
> Bart
>> Hi all,
>> For those who don't know: I'm one of the lead developers on the EduGIS
>> project, a site which aims to introduce highschool students to GIS. The
>> site contains a webmapping part, which combined with so called
>> 'lesson-modules' can be used inside the classroom.
>> We aim to be able to have at least 200 students access the site at one
>> time. Since it's being used inside the classroom it means that a lot of
>> students will do more or less the same thing at the same time (following
>> the tasks in the lesson-modules). This causes quite some stress on the
>> server. Since it's a free site we have limited budget and cannot put a
>> google-style server park behind it ;(
>> Right now we've got apache to serverside cache the umn mapserver output.
>> This obviously works only for those images that are requested twice
>> (like the first mapimage). Right now about 30 students can work at the
>> same time without it becoming unworkable slow. Since serverside caching
>> works, the next logical step to boost performance would be using tiles
>> like google.
>> But..
>> From what I know, tiling breaks OGC compatibility, right?
>> We're using Mapbuilder as client and we prefer to keep using it, since
>> it's turning into a rather featureful client on the EduGIS site. But the
>> question arises how to implement tiling inside WMC/OWS-context without
>> breaking OGC too much.
>> Also I'm interested in the used algorithms to get tiling working.
>> Cheers,
>> Steven
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