[webmap-discuss] OGC and google style tiling

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 06:26:02 EDT 2006

I'm currently allowing a Google Map layer to be included as one of the 
layers rendered by Mapbuilder.

So if you have a standard URL used to call a tiled map server, then we 
can create a Mapbuilder Layer which accesses the URL (we'd probably base 
our code on your existing ka-maps code).

I'd expect that we would use the Mapbuilder pan/zoom type tools and 
buttons rather than the ka-map tools.

Is that what you were thinking about?

Paul Spencer wrote:
> What would be really nice would be to have a MapBuilder widget for ka- 
> Map ;)  Mike Adair has mentioned that this is both possible and quite  
> easy to do.  Not being very familiar with MapBuilder, I can't comment  
> on that.  But if it were possible to do, ka-Map would provide you a  
> tiled interface and you could use your existing map file to do it  
> without breaking ogc compatibility.
> Cheers
> Paul
> On 12-Apr-06, at 4:33 AM, Steven M. Ottens wrote:
>> Hi Bart,
>> Thanks for the mailinglist tip.
>> It might be possible to rasterize our vector data, but we've got quite
>> some datasets and there will be more of them. It also makes us less
>> flexible. Obviously we've to make a trade-off on flexibility and  speed.
>> We hope that with cached tiles we can have both the flexibility and
>> speed. If we rasterise it would make sense to rasterise into fixed  tiles
>> I guess.
>> Steven
>> Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
>>> Hi Steven,
>>> there is an OGC list to discuss tiling:
>>> http://lists.eogeo.org/mailman/listinfo/tiling
>>> check the archives there.
>>> What you could also do, since I assume your data is pretty much  
>>> static, is
>>> use UMN Mapserver to rasterize all your vector data (create  Geotiffs 
>>> e.g.)
>>> and serve out the rasters instead. I guess the classifications  used are
>>> heavy on CPU usage, and pre-classified rasters would solve that  part at
>>> least.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bart
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> For those who don't know: I'm one of the lead developers on the  EduGIS
>>>> project, a site which aims to introduce highschool students to  GIS. 
>>>> The
>>>> site contains a webmapping part, which combined with so called
>>>> 'lesson-modules' can be used inside the classroom.
>>>> We aim to be able to have at least 200 students access the site  at one
>>>> time. Since it's being used inside the classroom it means that a  
>>>> lot of
>>>> students will do more or less the same thing at the same time  
>>>> (following
>>>> the tasks in the lesson-modules). This causes quite some stress  on the
>>>> server. Since it's a free site we have limited budget and cannot  put a
>>>> google-style server park behind it ;(
>>>> Right now we've got apache to serverside cache the umn mapserver  
>>>> output.
>>>> This obviously works only for those images that are requested twice
>>>> (like the first mapimage). Right now about 30 students can work  at the
>>>> same time without it becoming unworkable slow. Since serverside  
>>>> caching
>>>> works, the next logical step to boost performance would be using  tiles
>>>> like google.
>>>> But..
>>>> From what I know, tiling breaks OGC compatibility, right?
>>>> We're using Mapbuilder as client and we prefer to keep using it,  since
>>>> it's turning into a rather featureful client on the EduGIS site.  
>>>> But the
>>>> question arises how to implement tiling inside WMC/OWS-context  without
>>>> breaking OGC too much.
>>>> Also I'm interested in the used algorithms to get tiling working.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Steven
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> |Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
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Cameron Shorter

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