[webmap-discuss] AJAX vector rendering "gathering"

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Oct 30 21:27:53 EST 2006


I really wanted to attend, but had other commitments. Will someone post 
a summary of the discussion and any decisions/outcomes/etc.


Cameron Shorter wrote:
> There are a number of early implementations of AJAX GIS vector rendering 
> that we are all involved in - and there seems to be a common desire to 
> work together on this.
> I suggest we have an IRC meeting where we can agree on a common design 
> (at a high level) then volunteer for components.
> that everyone who is interested join together in an IRC session in 12 
> hours at:
> http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2006&month=10&day=30&hour=19&min=0&sec=0&p1=240&p2=16&p3=179&p4=137 
> Sydney        Tue 6:00:00 AM    UTC+11 hours EST
> Amsterdam    Mon 8:00:00 PM    UTC+1 hour CET
> New York    Mon 2:00:00 PM    UTC-5 hours EST
> Los Angeles     Mon 11:00:00 AM    UTC-8 hours PST
> Corresponding UTC (GMT)    Monday, 30 October 2006 at 19:00:00
> Channel:
> irc://freenode.net#openlayers
> Agenda:
> 00 - 05: Roll Call. Confirm agenda.
> 05 - 10: Who is working on what, and what you plan to work on + questions.
> 10 - 50: Design discussion.
> 50 - 55: Coordinate efforts (who is working on what)
> 55 - 60: Arange next meeting.
> 60   --: Meeting close
> People who have shown an interest so far:
> =========================================
> I'm writing vector rendering code for large GML datasets, currently 
> using Mapbuilder but I'd like to move the logic into OpenLayers and use 
> OpenLayers for the Mapbuilder rendering engine.
> With Paul Spencer, I've started putting together a design at:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/AJAX_WebMapping_Vector_Rendering_Design#Graphics_Class_Diagram 
> Paul Spencer has written vector rendering code for OpenLayers using 
> IECanvas and has been discussing a new Vector rendering design with me.
> Pierre Giraud and Bertil Chapuis have implemented vector rendering in 
> OpenLayers, including feature entry and editing at:
> http://dev.camptocamp.com/~bchapuis/openlayers/examples/vector.html
> Steven Ottens needs to edit features in a browser and I think he has 
> plans for working on this soon.
> Ed Dowding has put together design ideas at:
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/VectorDrawing
> Patrice Cappelaere has written SVG and VML support for GeoRSS and GML 
> layers in Mapbuilder using elements of SLD for styling.
> Others on the CC list have contributed to discussions. Please add your 
> name and come along if you are interested.

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