[Zoo-discuss] SAGA_GIS Error

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Wed Apr 27 03:47:30 PDT 2016

Dear Alex,
sorry another time for my late answer.

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue.

I have faced the exact same issue when trying to use this specific service.

Nevertheless, trying to remove the call to the Trim method (in service_internal_saga.c on line 445) solved the issue. I have committed this modifications in rev 760 [1] so this version should solve this issue. Note that gdb was of some help to identify the function which was called and caused the segfault.

I hope you can confirm that the issue is now fixed.

Best regards,

[1] http://zoo-project.org/trac/changeset/760#file1

> Le 26 avr. 2016 à 03:35, Alexander Kmoch <alexander.kmoch at aut.ac.nz> a écrit :
> Dear Gerald,
> I was trying to send thgis to the list, but ir hasn't shown up yet apparently. I am subscribed to the list though, but I am not sure if somebody has actually seen my request from one or two weeks :-) So, if you don't mind for now I am sending this to you?
> ZOO-Project WPS offers integration with the SAGA GIS. The build chain takes some time an has a few traps. My build completes and the example request Garden_Fractals works, but a GRID sum causes SIGSEV11 errors and complete successfully .. although some stuff is working along the operation..
> I have been able to work through http://zoo-project.org/docs/kernel/sagagis.html
> Everything builds fine.
> DescribeProcess works:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?ServiceProvider=&metapath=&Service=WPS&Request=DescribeProcess&Version=1.0.0&Identifier=SAGA.grid_calculus.8
> The demo request, SAGA.garden_fractals.1 works (as on ZOO-Project website).
> ## snip
> error: line 18: character not allowed ';'
> error: line 18: character not allowed ';'
> # //.///.## /////# <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<error: line 18: character not allowed ';'
> error: line 18: character not allowed ';'
> # //.///.## /////# <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<# //.///.## /////# # //.///.## /////# # //.///.## /////#
> ## snip
> But when I execute a GRID summary with two tiffs
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?ServiceProvider=&metapath=&Service=WPS&Request=Execute&Version=1.0.0&Identifier=SAGA.grid_calculus.8&DataInputs=GRIDS=Reference@xlink:href=http://hg.orfeo-toolbox.org/OTB-Data/raw-file/ca154074b282/Examples/verySmallFSATSW.tif;il=Reference@xlink:href=http://hg.orfeo-toolbox.org/OTB-Data/raw-file/ca154074b282/Examples/verySmallFSATSW_nir.tif&RawDataOutput=RESULT@mimeType=image/tiff
> I'll get OWS Exception
> <ows:ExceptionText>
> ZOO Kernel failed to process your request, receiving signal 11 = SIGSEGV
> </ows:ExceptionText>
> The data folder contains a status file, with only one line '100|okay', wher as the garden fractals status contains also the link to the generated json file.
> The tmp folder also contains some corresponding data files:
> Output_GRIDS_818cdf20-02a3-11e6-949c-0242ac110002_0.sgrd Output_GRIDS_818cdf20-02a3-11e6-949c-0242ac110002_0.mgrd Output_GRIDS_818cdf20-02a3-11e6-949c-0242ac110002_0.sdat
> Looks like it might already generated from SAGA but I am not sure. As I am requesting tiff output, maybe the conversion just failed?
> Anyone an idea?
> Full build script gist here, on Ubuntu 14.04.
> https://gist.github.com/allixender/950b4d1f22ac1cea3d47a6944cd7e4b9
> Cheers,
> Alex
> Cheers,
> Alex
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Gérald Fenoy

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