[Zoo-discuss] Service provider packaged as jar

rakesh prithiviraj rakeshuk at outlook.com
Mon May 30 07:28:09 PDT 2016

I have a java wps processor (zoo service) that is package as jar file. I used "maven-assembly-plugin" to build a jar file with all its dependencies and I placed the jar file under "/usr/lib/cgi-bin". 
In the myService.zcfg config file, the service provider (Java Class) is given as follows serviceProvider = com/eoss/core/wpswrapper/WPSWrapperProcessor
When I execute my service, I get "Class Not Found" exception though the jar file is available under "/usr/lib/cgi-bin" where Zoo kernel is also present. 
Note in "main.cfg", LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to "/usr/lib/cgi-bin"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/server/:/usr/lib/cgi-bin
But if I unpack the jar file (which results in several folders being created under /usr/lib/cgi-bin for all the dependencies) then my service is executing as expected.
Is it possible to use "jar" file instead of unpacking it to execute the service?
Thanks for your help.

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