Hi folks,<br><br>As you know, the next zoo meeting will be organized in Montpellier this month.<br>It'a main goal is to gather the ZOO French partners and to brainstorm together on the ZOO next steps.<br>Others ZOO Tribe members are also welcome to join by skype.<br>
<br>For those who will attend, we need to set-up a date for the meeting, between November, 9th and 20th.<br>Please use this Doodle calendar to tell your availability, and we will be able to decide shortly the best date.<br>
<br><a href="http://www.doodle.com/xetx8e4ynufcuqke">http://www.doodle.com/xetx8e4ynufcuqke</a><br><br>Many thanks by advance<br><br>Nick<br>