<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><p>Hello everyone,</p><p>I am very interested in your project, especially the implementation of the OGC API, <span><span class="gmail-ui-provider gmail-a gmail-b gmail-c gmail-d gmail-e gmail-f gmail-g gmail-h gmail-i gmail-j gmail-k gmail-l gmail-m gmail-n gmail-o gmail-p gmail-q gmail-r gmail-s gmail-t gmail-u gmail-v gmail-w gmail-x gmail-y gmail-z gmail-ab gmail-ac gmail-ae gmail-af gmail-ag gmail-ah gmail-ai gmail-aj gmail-ak" dir="ltr">as it fits perfectly with my task to use the OGC API and GDAL to transform one vector data format into another</span></span>. However, I keep encountering an error when trying to use multipart/form-data.</p><p>I would like to clarify if support for this format is implemented in your OGC API. If so, are there any additional settings or instructions I should follow to use it correctly?</p><p>If it is not implemented, could you kindly advise on the direction I should take to add this implementation?</p><p>Thank you in advance for your assistance!</p><p>Best regards,<br>
<span><span class="gmail-ui-provider gmail-a gmail-b gmail-c gmail-d gmail-e gmail-f gmail-g gmail-h gmail-i gmail-j gmail-k gmail-l gmail-m gmail-n gmail-o gmail-p gmail-q gmail-r gmail-s gmail-t gmail-u gmail-v gmail-w gmail-x gmail-y gmail-z gmail-ab gmail-ac gmail-ae gmail-af gmail-ag gmail-ah gmail-ai gmail-aj gmail-ak" dir="ltr">Illia Pidosynnyk</span></span>