Dear PSC,<br><br>We are glad to announce the ZOO Kernel 1.0 release under the terms of a MIT/X-11 style license.<br>This release comes with the ZOO API (also under MIT) and the ZOO Services (samples webservices based on FOSS4G)<br>
<br>We are sorry for the little delay in the public announcement of this release.<br><br>ZOO Source code is available for download on svn since Tuesday, April 13th<br>Please have a look here:<br><a href=""></a><br>
<a href=""></a><br><br>Our official website <a href=""></a> is currently being updated, and a Trac system has been integrated for collaborative work.<br>
Existing Trac accounts have been saved, If you dont' have an account please feel free to register ( <a href=""></a>) and participate.<br>ZOO web admin registered accounts are actually set to Gerald, Jeff, Venka and Nick. They can of course be modified if requested.<br>
<br>Some basic ZOO Documentation is already available on ZOO Kernel installation and ZOO services deployment on the website.<br>An effort must now be pushed on more detailed documentation, which has started here:<br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>ZOO also has Twitter now ! <br><a href=""></a><br><br>Your feedbacks, remarks, questions or corrections are welcome.<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Nicolas BOZON <br>
Gérald FENOY <br><br><br> <br>