Chris Holmes cholmes at
Tue Apr 4 01:07:26 EDT 2006

Paul Scott wrote:
  > Great news! This is a worthy initiative, and I would be happy to
  > contribute.
  > One thing though, would a website with forums, wiki, etc not be more
  > valuable than just a list?
OSGeo can also provide many of these resources, which could be valuable
from a 'branding' point of view, that it'd be a part of the global OSGeo
project.  We'd just require a bit of a more formal process to make sure
that it's a vital community that would make use of the resources, since
we do not want a bunch of dead projects.

best regards,


I am prepared to deploy our PHP framework in
  > this regard as my contribution to fostering FOSS based GIS in Africa. I
  > am building a number of spatial hooks into the software, including
  > support for UMN Mapserver and PostGIS as part of the project. Also,
  > AVOIR has gained a number of FOSS GIS projects in the past few months,
  > many of which I am a project founder or active developer, including
  > UbuntuGIS, geocoder, postgis PHP classes (Framework) and many more.
  > Let me know what you all think. The site can literally be up and running
  > in 10 minutes from the word "go"!
  > --Paul
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