[OSGeo Africa] GRASS in Cygwin

Neil Falconer neil.falconer at absamail.co.za
Thu Jul 27 01:27:06 EDT 2006

Hi Gavin,
I have got grass working under cygwin using XP. There is a site that provides almost 100% advice however there are a couple of minor tricks and a dll that needs to be renamed. I am not at home right now to access my PC but will send you details this evening.

Have you seen the latest qgis (can access Grass data directly and export to Postgres/Postgis)?


-----Original Message-----
From: "Gavin Fleming" <GavinF at mintek.co.za>
To: <africa at africa.osgeo.org>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 14:51:51 +0200
Subject: [OSGeo Africa] GRASS in Cygwin 

Hi all


I'm struggling to get GRASS 6 (WinGRASS, in Cygwin) to behave on XP.
Have any of you got it working? If so I'd like to discuss any tips you
might have picked up. Unfortunately I can't set up a Linux machine where
I am yet so have to make do on Windows.


I'd also like to know generally who is using GRASS and for what, in an
African context, and also what demand there is to learn about or use


Thanks in advance


Gavin Fleming MSc

Sustainable Development Researcher


w: +27-11-709-4668

c: 0845965680

f: 0866164820

xmpp (Jabber, Google Talk, etc.): gavinjfleming at gmail.com
<mailto:gavinjfleming at gmail.com> 

postal: P/Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125

physical: 200 Hans Strijdom Drive, Randburg

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