[OSGeo Africa] Web Map Server Evaluation

Sindile Bidla SXJBIdla at dla.gov.za
Mon Oct 8 10:48:39 EDT 2007


Geoserver is fine.

>>> "Gavin Fleming" <GavinF at mintek.co.za> 10/08/07 3:32 PM >>>
Hi all


If you are interested in filling in an evaluation form (professionally)
for a South African Government body who is considering ArcGIS server vs
MapGuide vs MapServer vs other FOSS solutions, then please reply to me
asap. I'll send you the evaluation form, which needs to be in before
Thurs 11 Oct. 


ArcGIS server and MapGuide OS are taken care of. I need someone for
MapServer and GeoServer (and any other willing candidates).







From: Susette Martin - CEIT Development CC [mailto:susette at ceit.cc] 
Sent: 08 October 2007 02:42 PM
To: Gavin Fleming
Subject: Map Server Evaluation
Importance: High


Dear Gavin,


Please find attached the questionnaire as discussed.  I will be very
grateful if you could send use a reply by Thursday, 11 October 2007.  If
there will be any costs payable please contact me.


Thank you for your help.




Susette Martin
GISc Technologist
CEIT Development
Tel:  012 - 310 2628
Email:  susette at ceit.cc 

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