[OSGeo Africa] building a GIS workstation using free and open source software

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Tue Jan 22 05:18:53 EST 2008

Hi All

Please note that Perry wrote that article some time ago and the
packages he refers to are out of date. Since then I have created an
Ubuntu PPA (personal package archive) for QGIS so all you need to do
(assuming you are running Gutsy) is to add:

deb: http://ppa.launchpad.net/timlinux/ubuntu gutsy main

to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update; apt-get install
qgis. Updates to QGIS will automatically be downloaded and installed
after doing that using the standard Ubuntu update-manager along with
general Ubuntu updates.



2008/1/22, Gavin Fleming <GavinF at mintek.co.za>:
> building a GIS workstation using free and open source software
> -- see Matt Perry's blog - Turning Ubuntu into a GIS workstation
> http://www.perrygeo.net/wordpress/?p=10
> The instructions take Ubuntu 7.10 and add the following desktop GIS
> applications:
>  Postgresql/PostGIS : a relational database with vector spatial data
> handling
>  GRASS : A full blown GIS analysis toolset
>  Quantum GIS: A user-friendly graphical GIS application
>  GDAL, Proj, Geos : Libraries and utilities for processing spatial data
>  Mapserver : web mapping program and utilites
>  Python bindings for QGIS, mapserver and GDAL
>  GPSBabel : for converting between various GPS formats
>  R : a high-end statistics package with spatial capabilities
>  GMT : the Generic Mapping Tools for automated high-quality map output
> (If some on this list try following the instructions, please let the list
> know how you got on with it)
> From: sdi-africa-bounces at lists.gsdi.org
> [mailto:sdi-africa-bounces at lists.gsdi.org] On Behalf Of
> Kate Lance
>  Sent: 21 January 2008 02:56 PM
>  To: SDI-Africa
>  Subject: [SDI-Africa] building a GIS workstation using free and open
> sourcesoftware
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Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release  Manager
Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
openModeller Desktop Developer
Visit http://openModeller.sf.net for a great open source ecological
niche modelling tool
Home Page: http://tim.linfiniti.com
Skype: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

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