[OSGeo Africa] MrSID DEM

Gavin gavinjfleming at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 08:56:26 EST 2012

On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 14:53 +0200, Fhumulani Munzhelele wrote:
> Hi, can anyone help: i have DEM Layer worldwide in MrSID
> format,compressed to Wavelet (MG2)
> Pixel Depth =8Bit
> I need to use it in a small area like  munic area, the problem is whe
> i used it for munic area and zoom to munic its resolution becomes very
> bad(big pixels). how to set the layer based on the resolution

what are you using to view it?

my guess is that it is a low resolution DEM in the first place. If that
is the case you would need to source a higher resolution DEM.

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Gavin Fleming

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