[OSGeo Africa] [Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] AgriGIS 2012 - Advancing
Geospatial Technologies in Agricultural Research]
gavinjfleming at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 11:53:40 EST 2012
The University of Nottingham and Crops for the Future Research Centre
(CFFRC) are pleased to announce AgriGIS 2012 - Advancing Geospatial
Technologies in Agricultural Research on 10th May 2012 at University of
Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC), Malaysia.
The AgriGIS 2012 workshop will focus on state-of-art use of
geo-information and geospatial technologies in agricultural research and
practice, and highlight current developments and experiences with an aim
• bring together industry, academic and private and public
sector researchers with relevant expertise in both geospatial
technologies and agriculture to exchange knowledge on strategies for
AgriGIS research
• understand current developments in use of geospatial
technologies in agricultural research
• demonstrate current work at the University of Nottingham
in this theme, in particular the GRASP prototype
• provide a platform to network and develop ideas for future
collaborative work in AgriGIS
• act as a focus for AgriGIS research and development and
plan proposals and strategies to secure funding for a future road map.
Contributions of abstracts are invited (but not limited to) the
following topic areas:
• AgriGIS examples and workflows for earth observation
through satellite-based remote sensing and airborne sensors
• AgriGIS usecases and workflows through in situ sensors
• Grid computing for AgriGIS
• Cloud computing for earth observation systems and AgriGIS
• Open source systems for AgriGIS
• Case studies of implementations
Workshop Chairs:
Prof. Sayed Azam Ali (CEO, Crops for the Future Research Centre,
Dr Tuong Thuy Vu (Head of Open-Source Geospatial Lab, UNMC , Malaysia)
Please submit your abstracts (maximum 1200 words) by email to Dr Tuong
Thuy Vu (Tuongthuy.Vu at nottingham.edu.my )
Abstracts Submission deadline: 15th March 2012
There is no registration fee but the numbers are limited. Participants
need to arrange their own travel and accommodation.
CFFRC is a joint venture between the Government of Malaysia and the
University of Nottingham and is hosted in Malaysia by The University of
Nottingham Malaysia Campus. CFFRC is the first international research
institution dedicated to the study of underutilised plants for food and
non-food uses. Details at
Open Source Geospatial Lab , Malaysia has been established in UNMC with
the aim to help create collaboration opportunities for academia,
industry and government organisations in open source GIS which will help
to create a sustainable environment for open source GIS in Malaysia.
Details at http://www.osgeo.org/node/1230
For more information on the workshop please contact the workshop chair
Dr Tuong Thuy Vu.
Best wishes,
PS: As per the ICA-OSGeo MoU , I am now in the process of building
research collaborations with key Universities and research organisations
worldwide for the establishment of Open Source Geospatial Research
Laboratories and Research Centres for development of open-source
geospatial software technologies, training, expertise and building up
momentum in Open Source GIS education and research worldwide. If you are
interested in this initiative please email
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Dr Suchith Anand
Nottingham Geospatial Institute
Nottingham Geospatial Building
University of Nottingham NG7 2 TU
Tel: (0)115 82 32750
Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data research
for bridging the digital divide
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Gavin Fleming
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South Africa
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