[OSGeo Africa] call for nominations to CSI
Gavin Fleming
gavinjfleming at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 04:24:37 PDT 2013
*Dept-of-Rural-Development-land-reform *
*Call for nominations for persons to serve on:*
*The Committee for Spatial Infrastructure*
In terms of Section 5(3) of the *Spatial Data Infrastructure Act*, the
*Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform*, invites interested
persons to nominate suitable candidates to serve as members of the
*Committee for Spatial Information*.
The Committee consists of the following members appointed by the Minister:
* Two persons in the full-time employ of the Department of Rural
Development and Land Reform
* One person in the full-time employment of each of Statistics South
Africa, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional,
and other national departments of state identified by the Minister
* One person from each provincial government in the full-time employ
of such government
* Two persons in the full-time employ of local municipalities, one of
whom shall be from a municipality which is mainly rural in character
and the other from a municipality which is mainly urban in character
* One person to represent the Council of Government Information
Technology Officers
* One person to represent a professional association of persons
involved in Geographic Information Science
* One person involved in the teaching or research of Geographic
Information Science
* At least one person to represent the interests of public entities
* One person from each data custodian as identified by the Minister
Appointments will be for a period of three years from 2013 - 2015.
Members will be required to strategically direct the development and
implementation of the *South African Spatial Data *
*Infrastructure (SASDI)* and to address matters related to spatial
information to ensure that the maximum benefit is derived from
investments in spatial information.
Nomination letters, accompanied by acceptance letters and CVs of the
persons nominated, should be received no later than 16h00 on 15 May
2013, by:
The Director General
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001
For for attention of Ms. Martha Chauke,
Tel 012 312-9643, Email: mmmchauke at ruraldevelopment.gov.za
<mailto:mmmchauke at ruraldevelopment.gov.za>
Gavin Fleming
t: 0218620670
w: 0218630660
c: 0845965680
f: 0866164820
South Africa
18°59'19.6"E 33°44'46.1"S
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