[OSGeo Africa] Census data - some resolution

Hanlie Pretorius hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 23:14:26 PST 2013


I wrote to this list a couple of weeks ago about getting Census data out of
Stats SA.

Since I have finally gotten some joy, from them, I thought I'd share my
good fortune with this list.

A guy named Mathews Phiri from Stats SA sent me the following:
Please note that the census information is available, at ward level,  on
StatsOnline (www.statssa.gov.za). Click on the Community Profile button. On
the list of data bases select the "Community Profile" again. You will then
see a display of the community profiles; select Census 2011. You may then
select a theme that will show the variables and their associated
classifications. Any table produced can be downloaded (saved as) on your
local drive.  The direct link, to the community profiles, is
http://interactive.statssa.gov.za/superweb/login.do The community profiles
at sub-place level will be available end of March 2013.

The Community profiles are also available as a product on DVD at a cost of

I have managed to use their system to select the data I need and download
it. It's not quite at the level of spatial detail that I was hoping for,
but it's better than what I had before.

Happy downloading.

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