[OSGeo Africa] South Africa Aerial Imagery

Grant Slater openstreetmap at firefishy.com
Thu Jan 3 10:53:32 PST 2013

On 3 January 2013 14:49, Grant Slater <openstreetmap at firefishy.com> wrote:
> On 2 January 2013 12:05, Grant Slater <openstreetmap at firefishy.com> wrote:
>> I recently setup: http://aerial.openstreetmap.org.za/ using aerial
>> imagery available from CD:NGI.
> Just another quick note, to load the imagery in QGIS save this file:
> http://aerial.openstreetmap.org.za/aerial-osm-org-za-tiles.xml to the
> local machine and load it as a raster layer.

Whoops. Made a mistake and the file didn't work, corrected now and tested.

> It works fine on my linux install, but doesn't seem to work when using
> OSGeo4W's QGIS v1.8.
> Regards
>  Grant

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