[OSGeo Africa] South Africa Aerial Imagery

Hanlie Pretorius hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 12:37:11 PST 2013

Hi Grant,

Thanks for setting this up, it's great.

I've managed to load it as a raster layer in QGIS 1.8.0 in Windows, using
the XML file you provided.

I then read up a bit about the projection it uses and was a bit concerned
that it's a 'whole world' projection with 0 deg, 0 deg as the centre, and
according to spatialreference.org. errors of up to 800m  in position may

So I loaded some vector layers in WGS84 CRS from the census on top of the
images and the parts of Cape Town that I checked seemed fine. Boundaries
ran nicely along centres of roads etc.

Have you perhaps checked other parts of the country for errors because of
the projection, or is this a silly question?


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 12:05:05 +0000

> From: Grant Slater <openstreetmap at firefishy.com>
> To: africa at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [OSGeo Africa] South Africa Aerial Imagery
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAGXuowi8rk-BRgmTFh-w26QreMBJJn2b+Q0E2KhX_Ncq81nfeA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi Everyone,
> I recently setup: http://aerial.openstreetmap.org.za/ using aerial
> imagery available from CD:NGI.
> The service is primarily for South African OpenStreetMap contributors,
> but I don't mind others using the site for light usage*. I do not plan
> to offer public WMS access to this instance.
> Technical:
>  - Tiles are TMS, Top Left origin in EPSG:3857
>  - Source imagery: 45454 GeoTIFFs, 3004 Gigabytes
>  - Currently: Lighttpd, mapserver (fastcgi) and tilecache (fastcgi)
> Feedback appreciated.
> I am currently missing the following source files, I would really
> appreciate online access to them if you have them (or willing to
> collect the files from CD:NGI in Cape Town and put them online.)
>  - 2728BA, 2728BB, 2728BC, 2728BD
>  - 3123AA, 3123AB, 3123AC, 3123AD
>  - 3123CA, 3123CB, 3123CC, 3123CD
> *: Plug... I am available to contract to setup private instances.
> Regards
>  Grant Slater
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