[OSGeo Africa] 1913 Natives Land Act Exhibition on Social Media Platforms

Aslam Parker APARKER at ruraldevelopment.gov.za
Wed Jul 31 23:50:58 PDT 2013

Please circulate this to members.
Dear members of GISSA/SAGI/OSGEO
As you know the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform has put
a major interactive exhibition on the effects of the Native Land Act and
other Apartheid Legislation on human settlements and society. It is now
at Nasrec in Gauteng and will move to every province of the country. I
strongly recommend that you visit this free exhibition and encourage
colleagues and family to attend as well.
To unlock access to Facebook and other social media, like our Facebook
page on Facebook/reversingthelegacy and follow us on Twitter
@reversinglegacy #sa1913land act.  

Also check out these You Tube links
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIXqnDdaeJo ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L3kYeseFpQ ,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3NKcTsa1aUto catch up on the latest
developments taking place at the 1913 Natives’ Land Act Exhibition. 
Visit the Reversing the Legacy of the 1913 Natives’ Land Act website on
www.reversingthelegacy.org for more information on the exhibition.
To view the clip on the eNCA go to

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