[OSGeo Africa] Department of Basic Education bans Free and Open Source Software in SA Schools...

Gavin Fleming gavinjfleming at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 13:46:46 PDT 2013

On 11/10/2013 17:34, E. Ndava wrote:
> A bit OT but makes for interesting reading...
> http://dkeats.com/index.php?module=blog&action=viewsingle&postid=gen21Srv8Nme0_40332_1381256759&userid=7050120123
Good one Eric, I was incensed when I saw this on the ctpug list 
yesterday. Not so OT as with the new GIS and RS CAPS (syllabus) being 
assessed at Gr 12 for the first time next year, schools need to get into 
GIS and we have to ensure that FOSS GIS takes on the mainstream role and 
protect against similar insidious moves.

Currently the official school IT language is Java. To switch to Delphi 
is ridiculous. They should be switching to Python IMHO. Nothing wrong 
with Java per se, just a bit heavy for school level.

And to force schools to teach MS Office and MS Office only! Really! 
LibreOffice or any FOSS alternative would do just fine.

It is worse than the Limpopo textbook saga and I urge all of you who 
feel strongly about this to rustle up some activism here. I think some 
serious investigative journalism is needed to blow open what is patently 
corruption and that will cause even more damage to an already decrepit 
education system.


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