[OSGeo Africa] Which Sector Education & Training Authority for GIS industry?

Aslam Parker AParker at ruraldevelopment.gov.za
Thu Aug 21 03:57:38 PDT 2014

The Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education
and Training Authority, known as the [“MICT SETA”], was established in
terms of the skills development act of 1998 and is responsible for
skills development in the Advertising, Electronic Media and Film,
Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications sectors and
their subsectors. The MICT sector comprises of 160 Large companies, 342
Medium companies and 2,785 Small levy-paying companies. The number of
employees in the MICT Sector in 2011 was estimated at 182,433. Large
companies employ 109,972, Medium companies employ 28,977 and small
companies employ 43,484.


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>>> Sindile Bidla <sindile.bidla at gmail.com> 8/19/2014 1:53 PM >>>

Dear List,
Which Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) does the GIS
industry fall under in South Africa?
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