[OSGeo Africa] AfricaGEO and FOSS GIS unconference

Gavin Fleming gavin at kartoza.com
Wed Jul 2 03:23:04 PDT 2014

Writing from AfricaGEO2014 where there is a great FOSS GIS vibe. The 
FOSS GIS session yesterday was packed to capacity and Jeff McKenna gave 
his keynote address this morning on OSGeo and FOSS GIS.

I think we can call the FOSS GIS 'Unconference' that happened on Monday 
a success.

Numbers peaked around thirty and this is roughly what went down:
- Tim Sutton gave an overview of QGIS and 'What's new in 2.4'
- Jeff McKenna did a demo of Mapserver
- I went through CRSs for South Africa and demo'd the new SG diagram 
downloader QGIS plugin.
- There were breakaway groups on QGIS, GIS in education and STDM (Social 
Tenure Domain Model), a new FOSS project and QGIS plugin.
- Lots of discussion took place on various other topics.

A big thank you to Aslam Parker and the NGI for hosting us and providing 


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