[OSGeo Africa] Invitation to guest lecture: Why open source software and open data are good for the economy (and fun to use)

Serena Coetzee serenacoetzee at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 23:43:37 PDT 2014

The Centre for Geoinformation Science invites you to a research seminar
presented by the *Open source and data for geospatial research* focus group:

Why open source software and open data are good for the economy (and fun to
by Gavin Fleming, AfriSpatial

Date:    12 June 2014
Time:     11h30 – 12h20
Venue:      Geography 1-2, University of Pretoria

Attend five guest lectures at UP and get one PLATO CPD point.

Please use the University road entrance for easy access to the new parking

Serena Coetzee

Geography Building 3-5
Centre for Geoinformation Science, Department Geography, Geoinformatics and
Meteorology, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028, South
email: serena.coetzee at up.ac.za Web: www.up.ac.za/cgis
Mobile: +27 82 464 4294 · Tel: +27 12 420 3823 · Fax: +27 12 420 6385
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