[OSGeo Africa] Creating Metada

Gavin Fleming gavinjfleming at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 22:45:18 PDT 2014

Hi Zoltan

QGIS layer properties lets you capture some standard metadata fields in 
the Metadata tab.

To capture a full metadata record use the Metatools plugin.


On 15/03/2014 19:40, Zoltan Szecsei wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a bunch of Shape files that I have to create metadata for, 
> using ISO 19115 standards.
> Never had to do this before, and there are a bunch of software options 
> on http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Metadata_software
> Please can I get some suggestions on what to use (and perhaps where to 
> start, if it is not that intuitive once I install the SW).
> Thanks in advance,
> Zoltan

Gavin Fleming
t: 0218620670
w: 0218630660
c: 0845965680
f: 0866164820
South Africa
18°59'19.6"E 33°44'46.1"S

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