[OSGeo Africa] Erven in Cape Town

Adi Eyal adi at burgercom.co.za
Tue Oct 28 01:32:39 PDT 2014

Hi All

Hopefully someone on this list has experience with how the City of
Cape Town erven are arranged. I received a shapefile containing all
erven in the City of Cape Town from City Maps. It seems that in Cape
Town, erf numbers can be repeated and it is not clear how to
differentiate between them.

I know that this is a very vague question, let me know if there is any
more information that you need to understand what I am talking about.

Many thanks

Adi Eyal
Data Specialist
phone: +27 78 014 2469
skype: adieyalcas
linkedin: http://za.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Adi/Eyal

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