[OSGeo Africa] QGIS Raster Clipping Issue

Adarsh Sharma adarsh.1989 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 3 14:39:47 PDT 2014

Hi guys,
I downloaded BIOCLIM/WORLCLIM data in order to complete the MAXENT modelling for invasives. I have also downloaded vector boundary data for local municipalities. 

Using QGIS, I clipped the raster image against the vector file which is at local municipality level so that I only focus on the area of my study. The clip was successful however there seems to be some unwanted blue block around the vector.

Please see the attached image below if there is uncertainty with my explanation. Note the blue area around the vector. Can someone please assist me with getting rid of the blue block as seen in the attached screenshot below?
Kind Regards,
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