[OSGeo Africa] Surveyor General Diagram - Mapping property boundary points

Gavin Fleming gavin at kartoza.com
Tue Sep 30 00:47:58 PDT 2014

Wesley, send your point text file (or SG 21 chr code) to the list with
some context of where it should be drawing; the list will also accept
images such as a scan of the SG diagram.

On 30/09/2014 09:36, Dr Wesley Roberts wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am so close now. I have taken both Gavin’s and Zoltan’s advice and
> used the custom CRS definition using the precision conversion factor
> suggested by Zoltan.
> I am able to view the coordinate points in QGIS and can see that they
> are almost in the correct location, however, there appears to be some
> sort of transformation error. The best way to describe the error is to
> imagine points as a rectangle lying at a 45 degree angle. With the
> current CRS setup the points which should be at the top are now at the
> bottom and the points at the bottom are at the top. Difficult to
> explain without a graphic and I doubt that the mailing list will
> accept graphics in images. The points need to be rotated 180 degrees
> through the vertical, if that makes any sense.
> I can mail a grphic off list should this not make sense.
> Many thanks,
> Wesley
> Gavin Fleming
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