[OSGeo Africa] Thematic historical maps/shapefiles of Johannesburg

Miriam Maina binti.m at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 05:49:27 PST 2015

Hi Team,

I have been looking for historical maps (or shapefiles) of Johannesburg's
early (non-residential) land uses.

A good example would be industry location and the manufacturing areas in
the 1940's-1950's, or even further back.

Would anyone have a resource or archive in mind? I don't mind digitizing
hard copy maps, so libraries would also be okay.

Many thanks,

Warm Regards,

*Miriam M. Maina*

T. +27 11 717 7619
C. +27 767 033 473
E. binti.m at gmail.com, maina_miriam at yahoo.com
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