[OSGeo Africa] Gas pipeline data

Hanlie Pretorius hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 21:06:44 PST 2015

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply.

Your processs is one I did not think of. I will have to ask my client
if he wants to pay for that kind of effort.


> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:50:19 +0200
> From: Mike Caister <caister at sai.co.za>
> To: Africa local chapter discussions <africa at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo Africa] Gas pipeline data
> Hi Hanlie,
> I am going to make some statements which may seem
> obvious to you, so please excuse me if you already know the following:
>  	* Pipelines and other servitudes usually have SG diagrams lodged in
> the Surveyors General offices (SGO) for servitudes to be registered by
> the Registrar of Deeds. Sometimes, servitudes are sufficiently described
> by reference to physical features on the land parcel's SG diagram, so no
> servitude diagram is needed.
>  	* Servitude diagrams usually have
> coordinate values on Lo at each bend point of the servitude.
>  	*
> Servitude diagrams can be downloaded for free from the Chief Surveyor
> General's (CSG) website at http://csg.dla.gov.za/ [3] . Servitudes can
> be identified by viewing the SG diagram for the land parcel that is
> traversed by the servitude. There will be an endorsement on the SG
> diagram that lists the SG number of the servitude diagram, which can
> then be downloaded.
>  	* Some servitudes have been captured in the
> spatial databases of the various SGO's. Initially, servitudes were not
> captured as a priority was made of capturing land parcels. More
> recently, new servitudes have been captured as their SG diagrams have
> been approved, and historic servitude diagrams have been captured in
> areas where upgrades of spatial data have taken place.
>  	* Spatial data
> in shapefile format for each province is available from the respective
> SGO's- contact details can be found at http://csg.dla.gov.za/contact.htm
> [4]. This data is usually extracted once a month. Alternatively data for
> any or all provinces can be obtained from the Chief GISc Professional at
> the CSG. This data may be up to three months old. The data is free, but
> processing time and postage has to be paid for.
> Regards,

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