[OSGeo Africa] Intro to QGIS training next week

Gavin Fleming gavin at kartoza.com
Thu Oct 29 03:54:28 PDT 2015

We have a few places open for the Intro to QGIS course next week in Paarl.

Register here: http://kartoza.com/training/course-registration/

What sort of training courses do you need? Please let the list know so
all the training providers on the list have a chance to focus their
offerings around your requirements.

Gavin Fleming Joint MD PrGISc [PGP1234]
Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/>to find out about open source:
* Desktop GIS programming services
* Geospatial web development
* GIS Training
* Consulting Services
Skype: phlemingo
Kartoza = Linfiniti ∪ Afrispatial
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