[OSGeo Africa] Environmental Science's graduate with GIS
Percy Radebe
percyradebe8 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 12:50:29 PDT 2016
Dear Tim,
Thank you for those points you have highlighted . Much appreciation :) .
On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Another thing you could do Percy is share your CV with some friendly GIS
> folks (like the people who hang out on this list) and ask them to review
> it. If you have been sending out your CV with no replies there are likely 2
> possibilities:
> 1) Your CV does not serve as a good advertisement for you
> 2) You have been sending it for jobs which you are not (yet) suitable for
> So asking someone friendly but who won't hold back on telling you how to
> improve it could be a great idea. Speaking as someone who regularly looks
> at CV's I would give you these suggestions:
> 1) Don't leave any 'time holes' in your CV - account for every year of
> your life since you left school
> 2) Make sure every word on your CV is carefully crafted, correctly
> spelled, meticulously laid out. Your CV is the only thing the reviewer has
> to go on and if they get a sloppy CV they will think you are sloppy...and
> won't want to hire you...
> 3) If you don't have much work experience, show things that you have done
> in your own time. If you have been looking for a job for 18 months, you
> have had 18 months to do something awesome with GIS that you can show off.
> Put those things in your CV so that the reviewer can see you are really
> motivated and not just 9-5'ing in your chosen career.
> 4) Get involved in communities like this mailing list - help people when
> they have questions, ask questions when you get stuck, share the cool stuff
> you have done so that when people receive your CV they will already know
> who you are. Plus you will build your skills and make yourself more
> hireable.
> Best of luck with your job search!
> Regards
> Tim
> On 12 Jul 2016, at 9:54 PM, Percy Radebe <percyradebe8 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good day,
> I am Percy Radebe from Pinetown, in KwaZulu-Natal. I finished my BSc in
> Environmental Sciences (Life Stream) in 2014 and I have been looking for
> employment, in particular Graduates Programmes for the past 18 months now
> and no response I have ever received from the applications I submitted.
> I am urging to peers to refer me to organizations that are currently
> looking for graduates with GIS and does not have hands-on experience in
> Science field. Can in it be a temporal position or permanent position, I am
> fine with either one.
> I hope you find the above in order.
> Thanking you,
> Percy Radebe
> 078 179 2271
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> *Tim Sutton*
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> Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
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