[OSGeo Africa] OSGeo at Geomatics Indaba

Gavin Fleming gavin at kartoza.com
Wed Sep 7 23:16:32 PDT 2016

Hi all

SAGI <http://sagi.co.za> has kindly incorporated OSGeo into part of 
their stand at GI2016 next week.

I will be spending any spare moment at the OSGeo stand. It would be 
great if other OSGeo members or supporters could also spend some time 
there too to field questions and to hangout with other FOSS GIS 

We will also be promoting FOSS4G Africa 2017 (Joburg last week of June 
2017; incorporating QGIS User Group and SAGTA <http://sagta.org.za/>).

 From the title of presentations and workshops as far as FOSS GIS on the 
programme goes I can see on Wednesday the University of Pretoria with 
Victoria Rautenbach will be doing some field mapping which I'm sure will 
use OSM and FOSS tools and I will be giving and overview of cool new 
stuff in QGIS. If you're aware of any other items that have a FOSS GIS 
or Open data slant please point them out.

A show of hands if you're attending GI2016 and plan to hang out for a 
bit at the OSGeo stand?

hope to see you next week


Gavin Fleming - Joint MD - PrGISc [PGP1234]
Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/>to find out about open source:
* Desktop GIS programming services
* Geospatial web development
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Skype: phlemingo
Office: +27(0)878092702
Kartoza = Linfiniti ∪ Afrispatial
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