[OSGeo Africa] upcoming courses + PostGIS this week

Gavin Fleming gavin at kartoza.com
Mon Sep 19 03:25:29 PDT 2016

Hi all

Upcoming FOSS GIS courses for the remainder of 2016:

Introduction to PostGIS

  - 22-23 September in Stellenbosch. Just a few places left. *This week!*

  - 10-11 November in Stellenbosch

  - 1-2 December in Johannesburg

Introduction to QGIS

  - 5-7 October in Stellenbosch

  - 7-9 November in Stellenbosch

  - 28-30 November in Johannesburg

  - 13-15 December in Stellenbosch

Building web mapping applications with FOSS GIS

  - 10-14 October in Stellenbosch.

See http://kartoza.com/training-courses for more details and to register.

Our course schedule for 2017 will be available soon. Talk to us if you 
need an on-site or custom course.



PS: Save the date for OSGeo's *FOSS4G South Africa 2017. June 26-30 in 
Johannesburg*. Together with the SA QGIS User Group, Geo4All and SAGTA.

Gavin Fleming - Joint MD - PrGISc [PGP1234]
Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/>to find out about open source:
* Desktop GIS programming services
* Geospatial web development
* GIS Training
* Consulting Services
Skype: phlemingo
Office: +27(0)878092702
Kartoza = Linfiniti ∪ Afrispatial
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