[OSGeo Africa] Floodline Data Rietz Steyn Free State

Simbarashe Munemero simsmunemero at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 01:27:13 PST 2017

 Can someone provide 1 in 100 year floodline data for the farming area in
free state near Rietz Steyn. I need to profile a pipeline route crossing
the streams and rivers in that area.
  Name           Y                X                      La/Southing
   R1          68404,411    3068428,402    27:43:38,7299 S   28:18:22,7199 E
   R2          68349,875    3068189,209    27:43:30,9699 S   28:18:24,7599 E
   R3          68376,003    3066223,787    27:42:27,1200 S   28:18:24,2099 E


Simbarashe Munemero
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