[OSGeo Africa] Ready for something a little different? QGIS Composer 'Ask me anything' with Tim Sutton and Nyall Dawson

Tim Sutton tim at kartoza.com
Mon Oct 30 13:00:32 PDT 2017

Hi all

For a while now I have been wanting to try a way of allowing the QGIS community to talk to our developers in a relaxed and informal way, taking advantage of the Internet to remove the requirement that we have to physically be in the same location. So this monday (see below for exact time and details of how to join), we are going to try a little experiment and we want to invite you to join. 

‘We' in this case will be Nyall Dawson (QGIS Core Developer and originator of many of the cool features in QGIS you use today!) and myself.

So how will it work?

1. First you need to install http://zoom.io <http://zoom.io/> (runs on all popular desktop and mobile operating systems). 
2. Next join our room using the link below. Note that there is a limit of 100 participants so get there early if you want to be sure you will be admitted to the room.
3. Look for the shared screen and maximise it so you can see what is going on.


Have you ever sat next to an expert at the computer and had him / her give you hints and tips as you work? For the first 30 minutes I will be ‘the user’ and Nyall will be 'the expert’. Our topic will be developing a map composition and I will go through the exercise of making a map layout with Nyall watching on from the sidelines and giving hints and tips. The idea here will be to give a flavour of some of the things you can do with Map Composer in QGIS.

At the end of the first 30 minutes, we will switch from demo mode to ‘Ask Me Anything’ mode. Zoom has a chat system where you can raise your hand if you have a question. We will take a selection of questions from the audience and try our best to answer them.

The session will last one hour only - any questions we don’t get to we will save for the next time.

What if I can’t make it

We are going to try to record the screen and voice session and share it on YouTube afterwards.

How to join

Topic: QGIS Ask Me Anything - Map composer with Nyall Dawson
Time: Nov 6, 2017 12:00 PM Johannesburg

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/571618409

Frequently asked questions

1) Why are you using zoom.io <http://zoom.io/> - it's proprietary software and you are a traitor to the cause of FOSS?

Zoom is brilliant and I have tried all the FOSS video conferencing tools and all of them have major issues. Feel free to let me know if there is a FOSS tool that works reliably and you have tested it extensively and you know that it works with large audiences.

2) I’d like to suggest a topic...

Yes please - send your ideas to tim at kartoza.com <mailto:tim at kartoza.com> - please prefix your email subject line with ‘[QGIS AMA TOPIC]'

3) The time doesn’t work for me

We will try to hold future sessions in different time slots to accommodate people from different time zones better.

4) Why didnt you invite a broader group of people?

Consider yourself part of an experiment here - if it works well we will advertise it more broadly.

5) Will it always be Tim and Nyall?

I plan to invite a range of guests as we look at different topics and areas of QGIS.

6) Do I need to RSVP to this invitation?

No please don’t - just come to the zoom room on the day and join if you can….




Tim Sutton

Co-founder: Kartoza
Project chair: QGIS.org

Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open source:

Desktop GIS programming services
Geospatial web development
GIS Training
Consulting Services

Skype: timlinux 
IRC: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial

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