[OSGeo Africa] Built-up areas feature class

Aslam Parker Aslam.Parker at drdlr.gov.za
Fri Aug 16 08:14:17 PDT 2019

Hi All

Below is a further response from CD: NGI

The Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information (a component of Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development) also known as South Africa’s national mapping organisation has a dataset for Residential Landuse which forms part of their LCLU Landuse feature class (LCLU stands for Land Cover Land Use). The Residential Landuse sub feature class is further categorized as Residential Landuse (High) and Residential Landuse (Low).

Residential Landuse - RESIDENTIAL LANDUSE (HIGH is Sub Type_2) – FEAT_TYPE ID 278
Residential Landuse (High) is a residential area where many buildings have been built close together, generally with a spacing of less than 50 metres. Services like electricity, water and sewage disposal may be available, except in informal settlements.

Residential Landuse - RESIDENTIAL LANDUSE (LOW is Sub Type_3) – FEAT_TYPE ID 278
A residential landuse (Low) is a built up area, where buildings are close together, but not as close as a high urban density. Services like electricity, water and sewage disposal may be available, except in informal settlements

There is also a “building” feature type which forms a part of the “Cult_Public” Feature class.

Building feature type (feat_type ID 150) - A Building is a brick or concrete structure designed for residential (e.g. Residential Flats) and non-residential use (e.g. Warehouse).

To request data from CD:NGI, please contact the sales department using the following details:
Telephone: 021 658 4402
Email: sales at dldlr.gov.za

For a list of all the features classes, please see the CD:NGI’s Standard for Integrated Topographical Information System document by clicking on link below:

To download and view Standards of other products, please visit http://www.ngi.gov.za/index.php/technical-information/standards-menu

For more about NGI offerings, please visit the website http://www.ngi.gov.za

 I trust this helps

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On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 9:19 AM +0200, "Hugo Paul" <hugo.paul at geoafrika.co.za<mailto:hugo.paul at geoafrika.co.za>> wrote:

Good morning

I am looking for an updated “built-up areas” feature class for the entire South Africa.

Can anyone please assist or point me in the right direction?

Thank you


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