[OSGeo Africa] FOSS4G 2019

Gavin Fleming gavin at kartoza.com
Fri Aug 30 09:50:09 PDT 2019

I've just departed from a wonderful edition of FOSS4G (and QGIS
contributors meeting) in Bucharest where over 1000 people from around 80
countries shared about 40 workshops and 11 parallel presentation tracks
over the past week, showing yet again how open source GIS is used
successfully to find spatial solutions in all sectors and is at the cutting
edge of technology and science.

There were five south Africans there (from Kartoza and University of

You can see recordings of all presentations at
https://media.ccc.de/c/foss4g2019. They were streamed live--some are still
being processed.

Why any Government entity in SA is still paying a fortune for privative GIS
and database software beats me, when developed countries (as in most of
Europe for example) saw the light years ago and fully embrace FOSS.

Do your bit to advocate for FOSS GIS!

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