[OSGeo Africa] Ingonyama Trust Board boundaries

Francis Twumasi Francis.Twumasi at dalrrd.gov.za
Fri Apr 23 05:14:54 PDT 2021

How are you doing? Have you checked with Demarcation Board and Cogta (I guess you are likely to get the datasets on tribal land including Ingonyama Trust land from there).
I hope you still remember me in our years at the then University of Natal from 1997 to 2000?
Warmest regards,

From: Africa <africa-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Frank Sokolic
Sent: Friday, 23 April 2021 13:44
To: Africa local chapter discussions <africa at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo Africa] Ingonyama Trust Board boundaries

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Dear Marilene,

Thanks for that tip. I'll follow up with them to see if they've got anything.

Regards, Frank.

On 2021/04/23 11:09, Marilene Heunis wrote:
Frank, that land was administered by the former Department of Land Affairs  and perhaps still is by a Land Administration department of some sorts of the latest Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.

Marilene Heunis

On Fri, 23 Apr 2021, 09:11 Frank Sokolic, <sokolic at worldonline.co.za<mailto:sokolic at worldonline.co.za>> wrote:
Hi list members,

Does anyone know of a downloadable spatial dataset showing the
boundaries of the Ingonyama Trust Board (ITB) in KwaZulu-Natal? If it
doesn't exist, would it be safe to assume that the ITB boundaries are
the same as those of the KwaZulu homeland in 1994?

Regards, Frank.

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