[OSGeo Africa] Small Resolution DEM

Siyathokoza Ngcobo siyathokoza.ngcobo at intergraph.co.za
Wed Jun 21 06:12:51 PDT 2023

Good Day  Joy ,

Can you  browse through this portal  >> http://www.cdngiportal.co.za/cdngiportal/ ,  if you find something of your interest the contact https://ngi.dalrrd.gov.za/index.php/contact-ngi for more information and  instructions on how to extract the data.

Best Regards,

Siyathokoza Ngcobo
Application Engineer

From: Africa <africa-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of JOY PHOKU
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 2:53 PM
To: africa at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [OSGeo Africa] Small Resolution DEM

Good day,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am looking for a DEM that has at least a 5-10m resolution, in South Africa, Western Cape province. I checked a few online portals that I know of but could not find it.

Thank you in advance.

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