[OSGeo Africa] Provincial rain fall data (South Africa)

Immo Blecher immob19 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 04:28:08 PDT 2024

Hi Khalid,

The most comprehensive site for rainfall data is 

There you can find data on WMO registered rainfall/weather stations from 
year 2000. Otherwise only the SA Weather Service, but that is expensive.



On 2024/04/03 13:05, Khalid Mather via Africa wrote:
> Good afternoon blessed colleagues, I hope this message finds you well.
> I'm looking for rainfall data for South Africa across our provinces. 
> Preferably in some kind if easy to manipulate format.
> Please advise if you know where I can access this data.
> Warm regards,
> Khalid
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*Immo F. Blecher**
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